Apartment Plaža
Holiday on the Island of Pag

Privacy policy  (This Privacy policy  declaration has been translated from the german , where inconsistencies occur, the german version will take precedence.)

Table of contents

  • Introduction and overview
  • Scope of application
  • Legal basis
  • Contact details of the responsible person
  • Storage time
  • Rights under the General Data Protection Regulation
  • Data processing security
  • Communication
  • Cookies
  • Webhosting
  • Website Modular systems
  • Google Fonts Lokal Data protection
  • Google Fonts Data protection
  • Font Awesome Data protection
  • Google reCAPTCHA Data protection

Introduction and overview

We have drawn up this privacy policy (version 01.10.2021-311842801) in order to explain to you, in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and applicable national laws, which personal data (data for short) we as the controller - and the processors commissioned by us (e.g. providers) - process, will process in the future and what lawful options you have. The terms used are to be understood as gender-neutral.

In short: We inform you comprehensively about the data we process about you.

Privacy policies usually sound very technical and use legal terms. This data protection declaration, however, is intended to describe the most important things to you as simply and transparently as possible. To the extent that it promotes transparency, technical terms are explained in a reader-friendly manner, links to further information are provided and graphics are used. We thereby inform you in clear and simple language that we only process personal data as part of our business activities if there is a corresponding legal basis. This is certainly not possible if you make as brief, unclear and legal-technical statements as possible, as are often standard on the Internet when it comes to data protection. I hope you find the following explanations interesting and informative and perhaps there is one or two pieces of information that you didn't know before..

If you still have questions, we would like to ask you to contact the responsible body named below or in the legal notice, follow the existing links and look at further information on third-party sites. You can of course also find our contact details in the legal notice.

Scope of application

This privacy policy applies to all personal data processed by us in the company and to all personal data processed by companies commissioned by us (processors). By personal data, we mean information within the meaning of Art. 4 No. 1 GDPR, such as a person's name, email address and postal address. The processing of personal data ensures that we can offer and invoice our services and products, whether online or offline. The scope of this privacy policy includes:

  • All online presences (websites, online shops) that we operate
  • Social media presence and email communication
  • Mobile apps for smartphones and other devices

In short, the privacy policy applies to all areas in which personal data is processed in the company in a structured manner via the channels mentioned. If we enter into legal relationships with you outside of these channels, we will inform you separately if necessary.

Legal basis

In the following privacy policy, we provide you with transparent information on the legal principles and regulations, i.e. the legal basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, which enable us to process personal data.

As far as EU law is concerned, we refer to REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016. You can of course read this EU General Data Protection Regulation online at EUR-Lex, the access point to EU law, at https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/DE/TXT/?uri=celex%3A32016R0679.

We only process your data if at least one of the following conditions applies:

  1. Consent (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR): You have given us your consent to process data for a specific purpose. An example would be the storage of the data you entered in a contact form.
  2. Contract (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR): In order to fulfil a contract or pre-contractual obligations with you, we process your data. For example, if we conclude a purchase contract with you, we need personal information in advance.
  3. Legal obligation (Article 6(1)(c) GDPR): If we are subject to a legal obligation, we process your data. For example, we are legally obliged to keep invoices for accounting purposes. These usually contain personal data.
  4. Legitimate interests (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR): In the case of legitimate interests that do not restrict your fundamental rights, we reserve the right to process personal data. For example, we need to process certain data in order to operate our website securely and efficiently. This processing is therefore a legitimate interest.

Other conditions such as the fulfilment of recording in the public interest and the exercise of official authority as well as the protection of vital interests do not generally arise for us. If such a legal basis is relevant, it will be indicated at the appropriate point.

In addition to the EU regulation, national laws also apply:

  • In Austria, this is the Federal Act on the Protection of Natural Persons with regard to the Processing of Personal Data (Data Protection Act), or DSG for short.
  • In Germany, the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) applies.

If other regional or national laws apply, we will inform you of this in the following sections.

Contact details of the responsible person

If you have any questions about data protection, you will find the contact details of the person or organisation responsible below:

Michael Linhart

Tragenreuth 67

94116 Hutthurm

Authorised to represent: Michael Linhart

E-Mail: info@apartment-plaza.com

Legal Notice: www.apartment-plaza.com/legal-notice

Storage time

It is a general criterion for us that we only store personal data for as long as is absolutely necessary for the provision of our services and products. This means that we delete personal data as soon as the reason for the data processing no longer exists. In some cases, we are legally obliged to store certain data even after the original purpose has ceased to exist, for example for accounting purposes.

If you wish your data to be deleted or revoke your consent to data processing, the data will be deleted as quickly as possible and insofar as there is no obligation to store it.

We will inform you below about the specific duration of the respective data processing if we have further information on this.

Rights under the General Data Protection Regulation

According to Article 13 GDPR, you have the following rights to ensure fair and transparent processing of data:

According to Article 15 GDPR, you have a right to information about whether we process your data. If this is the case, you have the right to receive a copy of the data and the following information:

  • for what purpose we carry out the processing;
  • the categories, i.e. the types of data that are processed;
  • who receives this data and, if the data is transferred to third countries, how security can be guaranteed;
  • how long the data is stored;
  • the existence of the right to rectification, erasure or restriction of processing and the right to object to processing;
  • that you can lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (links to these authorities can be found below);
  • the origin of the data if we have not collected it from you;
  • whether profiling is carried out, i.e. whether data is automatically analysed in order to create a personal profile of you.
  • According to Article 16 GDPR, you have a right to rectification of data, which means that we must correct data if you find errors.
  • According to Article 17 GDPR, you have the right to erasure ("right to be forgotten"), which specifically means that you may request the erasure of your data.
  • According to Article 18 GDPR, you have the right to restriction of processing, which means that we may only store the data but no longer use it.
  • According to Article 19 GDPR, you have the right to data portability, which means that we will provide you with your data in a commonly used format upon request.
  • According to Article 21 GDPR, you have the right to object, which will result in a change in the processing after enforcement.
  • If the processing of your data is based on Article 6(1)(e) (public interest, exercise of official authority) or Article 6(1)(f) (legitimate interest), you can object to the processing. We will then check as quickly as possible whether we can legally honour this objection.
  • If data is used for direct marketing purposes, you can object to this type of data processing at any time. We may then no longer use your data for direct marketing.
  • If data is used for profiling purposes, you can object to this type of data processing at any time. We may then no longer use your data for profiling.
  • Under Article 22 GDPR, you may have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing (e.g. profiling).

In short: You have rights - do not hesitate to contact the responsible office listed above!

If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or that your data protection rights have been violated in any other way, you can lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. For Austria, this is the data protection authority, whose website can be found at https://www.dsb.gv.at/. In Germany, there is a data protection officer for each federal state. For more information, you can contact the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI). The following local data protection authority is responsible for our company:

Bayern Datenschutzbehörde

Landesbeauftragter für Datenschutz: Prof. Dr. Thomas Petri

Adress: Wagmüllerstr. 18, 80538 München

Phone: 089/21 26 72-0

E-Mail: poststelle@datenschutz-bayern.de

Website: https://www.datenschutz-bayern.de/

Data processing security

We have implemented both technical and organisational measures to protect personal data. Where possible, we encrypt or pseudonymise personal data. In this way, we make it as difficult as possible for third parties to infer personal information from our data.

Art. 25 GDPR speaks here of "data protection by design and by default" and thus means that both software (e.g. forms) and hardware (e.g. access to the server room) should always be designed with security in mind and appropriate measures should be taken. If necessary, we will go into more detail on specific measures below.

TLS encryption with https

TLS, encryption and https sound very technical - and they are. We use HTTPS (the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure stands for "secure hypertext transfer protocol") to transmit data tap-proof on the Internet.

This means that the complete transmission of all data from your browser to our web server is secured - nobody can "eavesdrop".

We have thus introduced an additional layer of security and fulfil data protection through technology design (Article 25 (1) GDPR). By using TLS (Transport Layer Security), an encryption protocol for secure data transmission on the Internet, we can ensure the protection of confidential data.

You can recognise the use of this data transmission security by the small lock symbol at the top left of the browser, to the left of the Internet address (e.g. examplepage.com) and the use of the https scheme (instead of http) as part of our Internet address.

If you would like to know more about encryption, we recommend a Google search for "Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure wiki" to obtain good links to further information.


Communications Summary

👥 Data subjects: Anyone who communicates with us by telephone, e-mail or online form.

📓 Processed data: e.g. telephone number, name, email address, form data entered. You can find more details on this in the respective contact type used.

🤝 Purpose: Handling communication with customers, business partners, etc.

📅 Storage time: Duration of the business case and the statutory provisions.

⚖️ Legal bases: Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR (contract), Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests).

When you contact us and communicate by telephone, e-mail or online form, personal data may be processed.

The data is processed for the handling and processing of your enquiry and the associated business transaction. The data will be stored for as long as required by law.

Persons affected

All those who seek contact with us via the communication channels provided by us are affected by the aforementioned processes.


When you call us, the call data is stored pseudonymised on the respective end device and with the telecommunications provider used. In addition, data such as your name and telephone number may subsequently be sent by e-mail and stored for the purpose of responding to your enquiry. The data is deleted as soon as the business transaction has been completed and legal requirements permit.


If you communicate with us by email, data may be stored on the respective end device (computer, laptop, smartphone, etc.) and data may be stored on the email server. The data will be deleted as soon as the business transaction has been completed and legal requirements permit.

Online forms

If you communicate with us using an online form, data is stored on our web server and may be forwarded to one of our e-mail addresses. The data will be deleted as soon as the business transaction has been completed and legal requirements permit.

Legal bases

The processing of the data is based on the following legal bases:

  • Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent): You give us your consent to store your data and to use it for purposes relating to the business transaction;
  • Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR (contract): It is necessary for the fulfilment of a contract with you or a processor, such as the telephone provider, or we need to process the data for pre-contractual activities, such as the preparation of an offer;
  • Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests): We want to handle customer enquiries and business communication in a professional manner. This requires certain technical facilities such as email programmes, exchange servers and mobile network operators in order to operate communication efficiently.


Cookie summary

👥 Data subjects: Visitors to the website

🤝 Purpose: depends on the respective cookie. You can find more details on this below or from the manufacturer of the software that sets the cookie.

📓 Processed data: Depending on the cookie used. You can find more details on this below or from the manufacturer of the software that sets the cookie.

📅 Storage time: depending on the cookie, can vary from hours to years

⚖️ Legal basis: Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), Art. 6 para. 1 lit.f GDPR (legitimate interest)

What are cookies?

Our website uses HTTP cookies to store user-specific data.

Below we explain what cookies are and why they are used so that you can better understand the following privacy policy.

Whenever you surf the internet, you use a browser. Well-known browsers include Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. Most websites store small text files in your browser. These files are called cookies.

One thing cannot be denied: Cookies are really useful little helpers. Almost all websites use cookies. More precisely, they are HTTP cookies, as there are also other cookies for other areas of application. HTTP cookies are small files that are stored on your computer by our website. These cookie files are automatically stored in the cookie folder, the "brain" of your browser, so to speak. A cookie consists of a name and a value. When defining a cookie, one or more attributes must also be specified.

Cookies store certain user data about you, such as language or personal page settings. When you visit our site again, your browser transmits the "user-related" information back to our site. Thanks to cookies, our website knows who you are and offers you the settings you are used to. In some browsers, each cookie has its own file; in others, such as Firefox, all cookies are stored in a single file.

The following graphic shows a possible interaction between a web browser such as Chrome and the web server. The web browser requests a website and receives a cookie back from the server, which the browser uses again as soon as another page is requested.

HTTP cookie interaction between browser and web server

There are both first-party cookies and third-party cookies. First-party cookies are created directly by our website, third-party cookies are created by partner websites (e.g. Google Analytics). Each cookie must be evaluated individually, as each cookie stores different data. The expiry time of a cookie also varies from a few minutes to a few years. Cookies are not software programmes and do not contain viruses, Trojans or other "malware". Cookies also cannot access information on your PC.

For example, cookie data can look like this:

Name: _ga

Value: GA1.2.1326744211.152311842801-9

Purpose: Differentiation of website visitors

Expiry date: after 2 years

A browser should be able to support these minimum sizes:

  • Minimum 4096 bytes per cookie
  • Minimum 50 cookies per domain
  • A total of at least 3000 cookies

What types of cookies exist?

The question of which cookies we use in particular depends on the services used and is clarified in the following sections of the privacy policy. At this point, we would like to briefly explain the different types of HTTP cookies.

There are 4 types of cookies:

Essential cookies

These cookies are necessary to ensure basic website functions. For example, these cookies are needed when a user places a product in the shopping basket, then continues surfing on other pages and only goes to the checkout later. These cookies ensure that the shopping basket is not deleted even if the user closes their browser window.

Functional cookies

These cookies collect information about user behaviour and whether the user receives any error messages. These cookies are also used to measure the loading time and the behaviour of the website with different browsers.

Targeted cookies

These cookies ensure better user-friendliness. For example, entered locations, font sizes or form data are saved.

Advertisement cookies

These cookies are also known as targeting cookies. They are used to deliver customised advertising to the user. This can be very practical, but also very annoying.

When you visit a website for the first time, you are usually asked which of these types of cookie you would like to allow. And of course, this decision is also stored in a cookie.

If you would like to know more about cookies and are not afraid of technical documentation, we recommend https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265, the Request for Comments of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) called "HTTP State Management Mechanism".

Purpose of processing using cookies

The purpose ultimately depends on the cookie in question. You can find more details on this below or from the manufacturer of the software that sets the cookie.

Which data are processed?

Cookies are little helpers for many different tasks. Unfortunately, it is not possible to generalise which data is stored in cookies, but we will inform you about the processed or stored data in the following privacy policy.

Storage time of cookies

The storage period depends on the cookie in question and is specified below. Some cookies are deleted after less than an hour, others can remain stored on a computer for several years.

You can also influence the storage period yourself. You can delete all cookies manually at any time via your browser (see also "Right to object" below). Furthermore, cookies that are based on consent will be deleted at the latest after you withdraw your consent, whereby the legality of the storage until then remains unaffected.

Right to object - how can I delete cookies?

You decide how and whether you want to use cookies. Regardless of which service or website the cookies originate from, you always have the option of deleting, deactivating or only partially allowing cookies. For example, you can block third-party cookies but allow all other cookies.

If you want to find out which cookies have been stored in your browser, if you want to change or delete cookie settings, you can find this in your browser settings:

Chrome: Delete, enable and manage cookies in Chrome

Safari: Manage cookies and website data with Safari

Firefox: Delete cookies to remove data that websites have stored on your computer

Internet Explorer: Delete and manage cookies

Microsoft Edge: Delete and manage cookies

If you generally do not want to have cookies, you can set up your browser so that it always informs you when a cookie is to be set. You can then decide for each individual cookie whether or not to allow it. The procedure differs depending on the browser. It is best to search for the instructions in Google using the search term "delete cookies Chrome" or "deactivate cookies Chrome" in the case of a Chrome browser.

Legal foundation

The so-called "Cookie Guidelines" have been in place since 2009. These state that the storage of cookies requires your consent (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR). However, there are still very different reactions to these directives within the EU countries. In Austria, however, this directive has been implemented in Section 96 (3) of the Telecommunications Act (TKG). In Germany, the cookie directives have not been implemented as national law. Instead, this directive was largely implemented in Section 15 (3) of the Telemedia Act (TMG).

For strictly necessary cookies, even if no consent has been given, there are legitimate interests (Article 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR), which in most cases are of an economic nature. We want to provide visitors to the website with a pleasant user experience and certain cookies are often absolutely necessary for this.

If cookies that are not absolutely necessary are used, this is only done with your consent. The legal basis in this respect is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR.

In the following sections, you will be informed in more detail about the use of cookies if the software used utilises cookies.


Webhosting summary

👥 Data subjects: Visitors to the website

🤝 Purpose: professional hosting of the website and securing its operation

📓 Processed data: IP address, time of the website visit, browser used and other data. You can find more details on this below or from the web hosting provider used.

📅 Storage time: depending on the respective provider, but usually 2 weeks

⚖️ Legal basis: Art. 6 para. 1 lit.f GDPR (legitimate interests)

What is webhosting?

When you visit websites these days, certain information - including personal data - is automatically generated and stored, including on this website. This data should be processed as sparingly as possible and only with justification. By website, by the way, we mean the entirety of all web pages on a domain, i.e. everything from the start page (homepage) to the very last subpage (like this one). By domain we mean, for example, example.de or example.com.

If you want to view a website on a screen, you use a programme called a web browser. You probably know some web browsers by name: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari.

This web browser must connect to another computer where the website code is stored: the web server. Operating a web server is a complicated and time-consuming task, which is why this is usually done by professional providers. These providers offer web hosting and thus ensure reliable and error-free storage of website data.

Personal data may be processed when the browser on your computer (desktop, laptop, smartphone) connects and during data transfer to and from the web server. On the one hand, your computer stores data; on the other hand, the web server must also store data for a certain period of time in order to ensure proper operation.

To illustrate:

Browser and webserver

Why do we process personal data?

The purposes of data processing are:

  1. Professional hosting of the website and securing its operation
  2. to maintain operational and IT security
  3. Anonymous evaluation of access behaviour to improve our offer and, if necessary, for criminal prosecution or prosecution of claims

What data is processed?

Even while you are currently visiting our website, our web server, i.e. the computer on which this website is stored, usually automatically saves data such as

  • the complete Internet address (URL) of the website accessed (e.g. https://www.examplewebsite.de/examplebottemside.html?tid=311842801)
  • Browser and browser version (e.g. Chrome 87)
  • the operating system in use (e.g. Windows 10)
  • the address (URL) of the previously visited page (referrer URL) (e.g. https://www.examplesourcepage.de/icamefromthere.html/)
  • the host name and IP address of the device from which access is made (e.g. COMPUTERNAME and
  • Date and time
  • in files, the so-called web server logfiles

How long is data stored for?

As a rule, the above-mentioned data is stored for a fortnight and then automatically deleted. We do not pass this data on, but we cannot rule out the possibility that this data may be viewed by the authorities in the event of unlawful behaviour.

In short: Your visit is logged by our provider (company that runs our website on special computers (servers)), but we do not pass on your data without your consent!

Legal foundation

The lawfulness of the processing of personal data in the context of web hosting results from Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (protection of legitimate interests), because the use of professional hosting with a provider is necessary in order to present the company securely and user-friendly on the Internet and to be able to pursue attacks and claims from this if necessary.

There is usually a contract between us and the hosting provider for order processing in accordance with Art. 28 f. GDPR, which ensures compliance with data protection and guarantees data security.

STRATO AG Privacy Statement

We use STRATO AG for our website. The service provider is the German company STRATO AG, registered office: Otto-Ostrowski-Straße 7, 10249 Berlin, Germany, telephone: 030-300 146 0, register court: Berlin Charlottenburg, HRB 79450, VAT ID no. DE 211 045 709. You can find out more about the data processed through the use of Alfahosting in the privacy policy at https://www.strato.de/datenschutz/

Website construction building systems

Website builder systems Privacy policy summary

👥 Data subjects: Visitors to the website

🤝 Purpose: Optimisation of our services

📓 Processed data: Data such as technical usage information such as browser activity, clickstream activity, session heatmaps as well as contact details, IP address or your geographical location. You can find more details on this below in this privacy policy and in the privacy policy of the providers.

📅 Storage time: depends on the provider

⚖️ Legal basis: Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests), Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent)

What are website building systems?

We use a modular website system for our website. Modular systems are special forms of a content management system (CMS). With a modular system, website operators can create a website very easily and without programming knowledge. In many cases, web hosters also offer modular systems. By using a modular system, your personal data can also be collected, stored and processed. In this data protection text, we provide you with general information about data processing by modular systems. You can find more detailed information in the provider's privacy policy.

Why do we use modular website systems for our website?

The biggest advantage of a modular system is its ease of use. We want to offer you a clear, simple and well-organised website that we can easily operate and maintain ourselves - without external support. A modular system now offers many helpful functions that we can use even without programming knowledge. This allows us to customise our web presence and offer you an informative and enjoyable time on our website.

Which data is stored by a modular system?

Exactly which data is stored depends of course on the website builder system used. Each provider processes and collects different data from the website visitor. As a rule, however, technical usage information such as operating system, browser, screen resolution, language and keyboard settings, hosting provider and the date of your website visit are collected. Tracking data (e.g. browser activity, clickstream activity, session heatmaps, etc.) may also be processed. Personal data may also be collected and stored. This usually involves contact data such as email address, telephone number (if you have provided this), IP address and geographical location data. You can find out exactly which data is stored in the provider's privacy policy.

How long and where are the data stored?

We will inform you about the duration of data processing below in connection with the website building block system used, if we have further information on this. You can find detailed information about this in the provider's privacy policy. In general, we only process personal data for as long as is absolutely necessary for the provision of our services and products. The provider may store your data according to its own specifications, over which we have no influence.

Right to object

You always have the right to information, correction and deletion of your personal data. If you have any questions, you can also contact the person responsible for the website building block system used at any time. Contact details can be found either in our privacy policy or on the website of the relevant provider.

You can delete, deactivate or manage cookies that providers use for their functions in your browser. Depending on which browser you use, this works in different ways. Please note, however, that not all functions may then work as usual.

Legal foundation

We have a legitimate interest in using a website builder system to optimise our online service and present it to you in an efficient and user-friendly manner. The legal basis for this is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests). Nevertheless, we only use the toolbox if you have given your consent.

If the processing of data is not absolutely necessary for the operation of the website, the data will only be processed on the basis of your consent. This applies in particular to tracking activities. The legal basis in this respect is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR.

In this privacy policy, we have provided you with the most important general information about data processing. If you would like more detailed information in this regard, you will find further information - if available - in the following section or in the provider's privacy policy.

Homepage-Baukasten.de Privacy Policy

We use the homepage construction kit system of STRATO AG, Otto-Ostrowski-Straße 7, 10249 Berlin for our website. You can find out more about the data that is processed through the use of STRATO AG in the privacy policy at 

Google Fonts Local Privacy Statement

We use Google Fonts from Google Inc. on our website. Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Ireland) is responsible for the European region. We have integrated the Google fonts locally, i.e. on our web server - not on Google's servers. This means that there is no connection to Google servers and therefore no data transfer or storage.

What are Google Fonts?

Google Fonts used to be called Google Web Fonts. This is an interactive directory with over 800 fonts that Google provides free of charge. With Google Fonts, you could use fonts without uploading them to your own server. However, in order to prevent any transfer of information to Google servers in this respect, we have downloaded the fonts to our server. In this way, we act in accordance with data protection regulations and do not send any data to Google Fonts.

Google Fonts privacy policy

Google Fonts privacy policy summary

👥 Data subjects: Visitors to the website

🤝 Purpose: Optimisation of our services

📓 Verarbeitete Daten: Daten wie etwa IP-Adresse und CSS- und Schrift-Anfragen

Mehr Details dazu finden Sie weiter unten in dieser Datenschutzerklärung.

📅 Storage time: Font files are stored by Google for one year

⚖️ Legal basis: Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests)

What are Google Fonts?

We use Google Fonts on our website. These are the "Google fonts" of Google Inc. For the European area, the company Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Ireland) is responsible for all Google services.

You do not need to log in or enter a password to use Google fonts. Furthermore, no cookies are stored in your browser. The files (CSS, fonts) are requested via the Google domains fonts.googleapis.com and fonts.gstatic.com. According to Google, requests for CSS and fonts are completely separate from all other Google services. If you have a Google account, you do not need to worry that your Google account data will be transmitted to Google while using Google Fonts. Google records the use of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and the fonts used and stores this data securely. We will take a closer look at exactly how the data is stored.

Google Fonts (formerly Google Web Fonts) is a directory of over 800 fonts that Google makes available to its users free of charge.

Many of these fonts are published under the SIL Open Font Licence, while others are published under the Apache licence. Both are free software licences.

Why do we use Google Fonts on our website?

With Google Fonts, we can use fonts on our own website without having to upload them to our own server. Google Fonts is an important component in keeping the quality of our website high. All Google fonts are automatically optimised for the web and this saves data volume and is a great advantage, especially for use on mobile devices. When you visit our site, the low file size ensures a fast loading time. Furthermore, Google Fonts are secure web fonts. Different image synthesis systems (rendering) in different browsers, operating systems and mobile devices can lead to errors. Such errors can sometimes visually distort texts or entire websites. Thanks to the fast Content Delivery Network (CDN), there are no cross-platform problems with Google Fonts. Google Fonts supports all common browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera) and works reliably on most modern mobile operating systems, including Android 2.2+ and iOS 4.2+ (iPhone, iPad, iPod). We use Google Fonts so that we can present our entire online service as beautifully and uniformly as possible.

Which data is stored by Google?

When you visit our website, the fonts are reloaded via a Google server. This external call transmits data to the Google server. In this way, Google also recognises that you or your IP address is visiting our website. The Google Fonts API was developed to reduce the use, storage and collection of end user data to what is necessary for the proper provision of fonts. Incidentally, API stands for "Application Programming Interface" and serves, among other things, as a data transmitter in the software sector.

Google Fonts stores CSS and font requests securely at Google and is therefore protected. The collected usage figures allow Google to determine how well the individual fonts are received. Google publishes the results on internal analysis pages, such as Google Analytics. Google also uses data from its own web crawler to determine which websites use Google fonts. This data is published in the Google Fonts BigQuery database. Entrepreneurs and developers use the Google web service BigQuery to analyse and move large amounts of data.

However, it should also be remembered that with every Google Font request, information such as language settings, IP address, browser version, browser screen resolution and browser name are automatically transmitted to the Google servers. Whether this data is also stored cannot be clearly determined or is not clearly communicated by Google.

How long and where is the data stored?

Google stores requests for CSS assets for one day on its servers, which are mainly located outside the EU. This allows us to use the fonts using a Google stylesheet. A style sheet is a format template that you can use to quickly and easily change the design or font of a website, for example.

The font files are stored by Google for one year. Google's goal is to fundamentally improve the loading time of websites. When millions of websites reference the same fonts, they are cached after the first visit and immediately appear on all other websites visited later. Sometimes Google updates font files to reduce file size, increase language coverage, and improve design.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

The data that Google stores for a day or a year cannot simply be deleted. The data is automatically transmitted to Google when the page is accessed. In order to delete this data early, you must contact Google Support at https://support.google.com/?hl=de&tid=311842801. In this case, you can only prevent data storage if you do not visit our site.

Unlike other web fonts, Google allows us unlimited access to all fonts. So we have unlimited access to a sea of ​​fonts and get the best for our website. You can find out more about Google Fonts and other questions at https://developers.google.com/fonts/faq?tid=311842801. Although Google addresses data protection-related matters there, it does not contain any really detailed information about data storage. It is relatively difficult to get really precise information about stored data from Google.

Legal basis

If you have consented to Google Fonts being used, the legal basis for the corresponding data processing is this consent. According to Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter a of the GDPR (consent), this consent represents the legal basis for the processing of personal data, as may occur when it is collected by Google Fonts.

We also have a legitimate interest in using Google Font to optimize our online service. The corresponding legal basis for this is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR (legitimate interests). However, we only use Google Font if you have given your consent.

Google also processes data in the USA, among other places. We would like to point out that, according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for data transfer to the USA. This can pose various risks to the lawfulness and security of data processing.

As a basis for data processing for recipients based in third countries (outside the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, i.e. in particular in the USA) or for data transfer there, Google uses standard contractual clauses approved by the EU Commission (= Article 46, Paragraph 2 and 3 GDPR). These clauses oblige Google to comply with the EU data protection level when processing relevant data even outside the EU. These clauses are based on an implementing decision of the EU Commission. You can find the resolution and the clauses here:


You can also find out which data is generally collected by Google and what this data is used for at https://www.google.com/intl/de/policies/privacy/.

Font Awesome Privacy Policy

Font Awesome Privacy Policy summary

👥 Data subjects: Visitors to the website

🤝 Purpose: Optimisation of our services

📓 Processed data: Data such as IP address and CSS and font requests. You can find more details below in this privacy policy.

📅 Storage time: Files in an identifiable form are stored for a few weeks

⚖️ Legal basis: Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests)

What is Font Awesome?

We use Font Awesome from the American company Fonticons (307 S. Main St., Suite 202, Bentonville, AR 72712, USA) on our website. When you visit one of our websites, the Font Awesome web font (specifically icons) is loaded via the Font Awesome content delivery network (CDN). This means that the texts, fonts and icons are displayed appropriately on every device. In this data protection declaration we go into more detail about data storage and data processing by this service.

Icons are playing an increasingly important role for websites. Font Awesome is a web font designed specifically for web designers and web developers. With Font Awesome, icons can be scaled and colored as desired using the CSS style sheet language. They replace old image icons. Font Awesome CDN is the easiest way to load the icons or fonts on your website. All we had to do was integrate a small line of code into our website.

Why do we use Font Awesome on our website?

Font Awesome allows content on our website to be better prepared. This allows you to orientate yourself better on our website and understand the content more easily. With the icons you can sometimes even replace entire words and save space. This is particularly practical when we optimize content specifically for smartphones. These icons are inserted as HMTL code instead of as an image. This allows us to edit the icons with CSS exactly how we want. At the same time, with Font Awesome we also improve our loading speed because they are only HTML elements and not icon images. All of these advantages help us to make the website even clearer, fresher and faster for you.

Which data does Font Awesome store?

The Font Awesome Content Delivery Network (CDN) is used to load icons and symbols. CDNs are networks of servers distributed worldwide that make it possible to quickly load files from nearby locations. As soon as you access one of our pages, the corresponding icons are provided by Font Awesome.

In order for the web fonts to be loaded, your browser must establish a connection to the Fonticons, Inc. servers. Your IP address will be recognized. Font Awesome also collects data about which icon files are downloaded and when. Technical data such as your browser version, screen resolution or the time of the page accessed are also transmitted.

This data is collected and stored for the following reasons:

  • to optimize content delivery networks
  • to identify and correct technical errors
  • to protect CDNs from misuse and attacks
  • to be able to charge fees to Font Awesome Pro customers
  • to know the popularity of icons
  • to know what computer and software you are using

If your browser does not allow web fonts, a standard font on your PC will automatically be used. Based on our current knowledge, no cookies are set. We are in contact with Font Awesome's data protection department and will let you know as soon as we find out more.

How long and where is the data stored?

Font Awesome stores data about the use of the Content Delivery Network on servers also in the United States of America. However, the CDN servers are located worldwide and store user data wherever you are. The data is usually only stored in an identifiable form for a few weeks. Aggregated statistics about the usage of the CDNs may also be stored for longer. Personal data is not included here.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

As far as we know, Font Awesome does not currently store any personal data via the content delivery networks. If you do not want data about the icons used to be stored, you unfortunately cannot visit our website. If your browser does not allow web fonts, no data will be transmitted or stored. In this case, your computer's default font will simply be used.

Legal basis

If you have consented to Font Awesome being used, the legal basis for the corresponding data processing is this consent. According to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), this consent represents the legal basis for the processing of personal data, as may occur when it is collected by Font Awesome.

We also have a legitimate interest in using Font Awesome to optimize our online service. The corresponding legal basis for this is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR (legitimate interests). However, we only use Font Awesome if you have given your consent.

We would like to point out that, according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for data transfer to the USA. The data processing is essentially done by Font Awesome. This can result in data not being processed and stored anonymously. Furthermore, US government authorities may have access to individual data. It may also happen that this data is linked to data from other Font Awesome services where you have a user account.

If you want to find out more about Font Awesome and how it handles data, we recommend the privacy policy at https://fontawesome.com/privacy and the help page at https://fontawesome.com/help.

Google reCAPTCHA privacy policy

Google reCAPTCHA privacy policy summary

👥 Data subjects: Visitors to the website

🤝 Purpose: Optimization of our service and protection against cyber attacks

📓 Data processed: Data such as IP address, browser information, your operating system, limited location and usage data. You can find more details about this further down in this data protection declaration.

📅 Storage time: depends on the data stored

⚖️ Legal basis: Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests)

What is reCAPTCHA?

Our primary goal is to secure and protect our website as best as possible for you and for us. To ensure this, we use Google reCAPTCHA from Google Inc. For Europe, the company Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Ireland) is responsible for all Google services. With reCAPTCHA we can determine whether you are really a human being and not a robot or other spam software. By spam we mean any unwanted information sent to us electronically without being asked. With the classic CAPTCHAS, you usually had to solve text or image puzzles to check. With reCAPTCHA from Google, we usually don't have to bother you with such puzzles. In most cases it is enough to simply check the box and confirm that you are not a bot. With the new Invisible reCAPTCHA version you don't even have to check the box anymore. You will find out exactly how this works and, above all, what data is used for this in the course of this data protection declaration.

reCAPTCHA is a free Captcha service from Google that protects websites from spam software and misuse by non-human visitors. Most often, this service is used when filling out forms on the Internet. A captcha service is a type of automatic Turing test designed to ensure that an action on the Internet is carried out by a human and not a bot. In the classic Turing test (named after the computer scientist Alan Turing), a human determines the difference between a bot and a human. With Captchas, this is also done by the computer or a software program. Classic captchas work with small tasks that are easy for humans to solve, but are significantly difficult for machines. With reCAPTCHA you no longer have to actively solve puzzles. The tool uses modern risk techniques to distinguish humans from bots. Here you just have to tick the text field “I am not a robot” or with Invisible reCAPTCHA even this is no longer necessary. With reCAPTCHA, a JavaScript element is integrated into the source code and then the tool runs in the background and analyzes your user behavior. The software calculates a so-called Captcha score from these user actions. Google uses this score to calculate how likely you are to be human before you enter the Captcha. reCAPTCHA or captchas in general are always used when bots could manipulate or misuse certain actions (such as registrations, surveys, etc.).

Why do we use reCAPTCHA on our website?

We only want to welcome people of flesh and blood to our side. Bots or spam software of all kinds can safely stay at home. That's why we do everything we can to protect ourselves and offer you the best possible user-friendliness. For this reason we use Google reCAPTCHA from Google. So we can be pretty sure that we will remain a “bot-free” website. By using reCAPTCHA, data is transmitted to Google to determine whether you are actually human. reCAPTCHA therefore serves the security of our website and subsequently also your security. For example, without reCAPTCHA, it could happen that when registering, a bot registers as many email addresses as possible in order to then “spam” forums or blogs with unwanted advertising content. With reCAPTCHA we can avoid such bot attacks.

What data is stored by reCAPTCHA?

reCAPTCHA collects personal data from users to determine whether the actions on our website actually come from humans. This means that the IP address and other data that Google requires for the reCAPTCHA service can be sent to Google. IP addresses are almost always shortened within EU member states or other contracting states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area before the data ends up on a server in the USA. The IP address will not be combined with other Google data unless you are logged in with your Google account while using reCAPTCHA. First, the reCAPTCHA algorithm checks whether Google cookies from other Google services (YouTube, Gmail, etc.) are already placed on your browser. reCAPTCHA then sets an additional cookie in your browser and captures a snapshot of your browser window.

The following list of collected browser and user data is not intended to be complete. Rather, these are examples of data that, to our knowledge, are processed by Google.

  • Referrer URL (the address of the page from which the visitor comes)
  • IP-Adress (z.B.
  • Information about the operating system (the software that enables your computer to operate. Well-known operating systems are Windows, Mac OS X or Linux)
  • Cookies (small text files that store data in your browser)
  • Mouse and keyboard behavior (every action you perform with the mouse or keyboard is saved)
  • Date and language settings (which language or date you have preset on your PC will be saved)
  • All JavaScript objects (JavaScript is a programming language that allows websites to adapt to the user. JavaScript objects can collect all kinds of data under one name)
  • Screen resolution (shows how many pixels the image consists of)

It is undisputed that Google uses and analyzes this data even before you click on the “I am not a robot” checkbox. With the Invisible reCAPTCHA version, there is no need to tick anything and the entire recognition process runs in the background. Google does not tell you in detail how much and what data Google stores.

The following cookies are used by reCAPTCHA: Here we refer to the reCAPTCHA demo version from Google at https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo. All of these cookies require a unique identifier for tracking purposes. Here is a list of cookies that Google reCAPTCHA has set on the demo version:

Name: IDE

Value: WqTUmlnmv_qXyi_DGNPLESKnRNrpgXoy1K-pAZtAkMbHI-311842801-8

Purpose: This cookie is set by the company DoubleClick (also owned by Google) to register and report the actions of a user on the website when dealing with advertisements. In this way, advertising effectiveness can be measured and appropriate optimization measures can be taken. IDE is stored in browsers under the domain doubleclick.net.

Expiry date: after one year

Name: 1P_JAR

Value: 2019-5-14-12

Purpose: This cookie collects statistics on website usage and measures conversions. A conversion occurs, for example, when a user becomes a buyer. The cookie is also used to show users relevant advertisements. Furthermore, the cookie can be used to prevent a user from seeing the same ad more than once.

Expiry date: after one month

Name: ANID

Value: U7j1v3dZa3118428010xgZFmiqWppRWKOr

Purpose: We were unable to find out much information about this cookie. In Google's privacy policy, the cookie is referred to in connection with “advertising cookies” such as: B. “DSID”, “FLC”, “AID”, “TAID” mentioned. ANID is stored under domain google.com.

Expiry date: after 9 months


Value: YES+AT.de+20150628-20-0

Purpose: The cookie stores the status of a user's consent to the use of various Google services. CONSENT is also used for security to verify users, prevent credential fraud, and protect user data from unauthorized attacks.

Expiry date: after 19 years

Name: NID

Value: 0WmuWqy311842801zILzqV_nmt3sDXwPeM5Q

Purpose: NID is used by Google to tailor advertisements to your Google searches. With the help of the cookie, Google “remembers” your most frequently entered search queries or your previous interaction with advertisements. This means you always get tailor-made advertisements. The cookie contains a unique ID to collect the user's personal settings for advertising purposes.

Expiry date: after 6 months

Name: DV

Value: gEAABBCjJMXcI0dSAAAANbqc311842801-4

Purpose: As soon as you have ticked the “I am not a robot” checkbox, this cookie will be set. The cookie is used by Google Analytics for personalized advertising. DV collects information in anonymized form and is further used to make user distinctions.

Expiry date: after 10 minutes

Note: This list cannot claim to be complete, as experience has shown that Google constantly changes its choice of cookies.

How long and where is the data stored?

By inserting reCAPTCHA, your data will be transferred to the Google server. Google does not make it clear where exactly this data is stored, even after repeated inquiries. Without receiving confirmation from Google, it can be assumed that data such as mouse interaction, time spent on the website or language settings are stored on the European or American Google platforms. stored on servers. The IP address that your browser transmits to Google is generally not merged with other Google data from other Google services. However, if you are logged into your Google account while using the reCAPTCHA plugin, the data will be merged. The different data protection regulations of Google apply.

How can I delete my data or prevent data storage?

If you do not want any data about you and your behavior to be transmitted to Google, you must log out of Google completely and delete all Google cookies before you visit our website or use the reCAPTCHA software. In principle, the data is automatically transmitted to Google as soon as you access our site. To delete this data again, you must contact Google Support at https://support.google.com/?hl=de&tid=311842801.

If you use our website, you agree that Google LLC and its representatives automatically collect, process and use data.

Please note that when using this tool, your data may also be stored and processed outside the EU. Most third countries (including the USA) are not considered safe under current European data protection law. Data may therefore not simply be transferred to unsafe third countries, stored there and processed unless there are appropriate guarantees (such as EU standard contractual clauses) between us and the non-European service provider.

Legal basis

If you have consented to Google reCAPTCHA being used, the legal basis for the corresponding data processing is this consent. According to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), this consent represents the legal basis for the processing of personal data, as may occur when collected by Google reCAPTCHA.

We also have a legitimate interest in using Google reCAPTCHA to optimize our online service and make it more secure. The corresponding legal basis for this is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter f GDPR (legitimate interests). However, we only use Google reCAPTCHA if you have given your consent.

Google also processes data in the USA, among other places. We would like to point out that, according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for data transfer to the USA. This can pose various risks to the lawfulness and security of data processing.

As a basis for data processing for recipients based in third countries (outside the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, i.e. in particular in the USA) or for data transfer there, Google uses standard contractual clauses approved by the EU Commission (= Article 46, Paragraph 2 and 3 GDPR). These clauses oblige Google to comply with the EU data protection level when processing relevant data even outside the EU. These clauses are based on an implementing decision of the EU Commission. You can find the resolution and the clauses here: https://ec.europa.eu/germany/news/20210604-datentransfers-eu_de.

You can find out more about reCAPTCHA on Google's web developer page at https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/. Google goes into more detail about the technical development of reCAPTCHA here, but you won't find precise information about data storage and data protection-related topics there either. You can find a good overview of the basic use of data at Google in the company's own data protection declaration at https://www.google.com/intl/de/policies/privacy/.

All texts are copyrighted.
